June is Pride Month
Progress Pride Flag will fly at all WCDSB sites for the entire month of June.
Called to Belong Prayer
Creating God, out of your great love you created all things. After the flood you crafted the rainbow and placed it in the sky as a reminder that you love everything and everyone you have created.
Yes, each individual colour of the rainbow is beautiful but its true beauty is found in the way that the colours are beautiful together. We are all called to belong, and we are most beautiful when we are together.
As human beings you crafted each of us in unique, distinctive and wonderful ways.
Some of us identify as 2SLGBTQIA+
No matter how you created us, we are all made in your image and likeness.
May all of your children come together and hold hands in peace and harmony. May we all work together for a world where acceptance, equity, justice, and celebration are possible for every person.
As the love of Jesus on the Cross extended to all people, by the power of your Holy Spirit may we love and embrace everyone in the same way.
Fr. Joseph de Viveiros C.R.
June is the month traditionally devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus which, for Catholics, is a sign and symbol of God’s boundless and passionate love for all humanity. The month of June is also designated as PRIDE season in Waterloo region and across Ontario. This month, and each and every month, our Catholic schools are committed to nurturing safe and inclusive learning environments where every student and every member of the community is welcomed, valued, and respected.
The Waterloo Catholic District School Board celebrates diversity within our school communities and welcomes and values all children. We honour the inherent dignity in all of our 2SLGBTAQIA+ staff, students, parents and family members by treating one another with sensitivity, compassion, and respect. As Catholics, we believe that each of us is made in the image and likeness of God. We are called to see each other through God’s eyes – with sensitivity, compassion, and respect, and we see God in one another –wonderfully made, just as we are. As we live, learn, and work together, we encourage one another to celebrate the glorious discovery of how we are made and loved by a God who knows us intimately and who invites us into a deeper relationship with Himself.