Monthly Archives: January 2024

Catholic School Council meeting tonight!


Catholic School Advisory Council

We have a CSAC meeting tonight, Monday, January 22nd at 6:00 pm in our school Learning Commons. We will be discussing the ongoing safety issues related to our school parking lot. As part of this conversation, we will have a presentation from Student Transportation Services regarding Active Transportation strategies and routes to school. All are welcome.


St. John’s Parking Lot & School Council meeting

Hello St. John’s families!

Our next Catholic School Advisory Council meeting will take place on Monday January 22nd from 6pm – 7:30pm in the school library. We will be discussing the following information about our school parking lot and hope you will join us!

No Parking Symbol From Dornbos Sign & Safety

We have an important message about the school parking lot. It is becoming extremely dangerous due to the number of parents who park their cars illegally at the beginning and end of the day. Our Administrators have spoken to numerous parents day after day about the proper use of the parking lot; however, this problem is only getting worse. Someone is going to get hurt unless parents start following the laws when it comes to parking in a parking lot.

Unless your car is parked between two yellow lines it is illegally parked. You cannot just stop your car in the middle of a parking lot and get out. You also cannot block other vehicles in the parking lot. You would not do this at the grocery store or a shopping mall and you cannot do this at school.

It is also illegal to park along the wooden fence at the back of the church. There are signs that clearly state “NO PARKING. FIRE LANE”.

Our buses cannot exit the parking lot due to the number of parents who are illegally parked at the beginning and end of the day.

If your child is a bus student, they should be riding the bus to and from school each day. This helps limit the amount of vehicle traffic coming to the school. If you still choose to drop off and pick up your child from school, please park at one of the Park & Walk locations in the neighbourhood. Please see the map below which indicates these locations.

Walking Distances & Benefits

The following walking distances have been determined by Student Transportation Services and the Waterloo Catholic DSB:

  • Kindergarten to Grade 3: 0.8 kilometres
  • Grade 4-8: 1.6 kilometres

These distances are not unreasonable for a child to walk to school. We know that walking has many benefits including:

  • improved physical and mental health,
  • mental focus,
  • environmental well-being, and
  • graduated independence

We are strongly encouraging families to walk with their children to school whenever possible and/ or work with neighbours to create a walking school bus.

Finally, please come to our School Council meeting on Monday January 22nd from 6pm – 7:30pm in the school library. We will be discussing our safe and active transportation concerns with all who attend. We will have a representative from Student Transportation Services with us to discuss active transportation routes to school.

We hope you can join us.

Thunder Update: January 15-19

Thunder Community,

It was great to have everyone back in the building last week! The hallways were filled with excitement, bright smiles, and the promise of a new year and new opportunities. With the blast of winter weather this weekend, we are ready to have ‘snow’ much fun outside in the week ahead.  Thank you for sending your children to school with warm winter clothes, indoor shoes, a change of socks, and refillable water bottles. A kind reminder to also pack forks & spoons in their lunches as our school supply of disposable utensils is limited and we are always trying to be good stewards of our environment.

Happening this week:

Athletics are BACK!

Thank you to our teachers who give their time and share their talent to coach our school teams and provide this athletic opportunity for our students. Boys’ Basketball and Girls’ Volleyball games will begin this week. Our teams have been practising, and now we wish them the best of luck in their upcoming games this week.



Student Activities & Clubs

We are also very excited to be offering more indoor activities for our students in the cold weeks ahead. Many staff have volunteered their lunches and recess breaks to support student activities such as: reading clubs, games clubs, knitting & crocheting, intramurals, EcoSchools, etc. We look forward to engaging in fun opportunities with students and building new friendships.


REMINDER: No School for Students on January 19th

A kind reminder that there is NO school for students on FRIDAY January 19th as it is a Professional Activity Day.


Other Information: 

Winter Walk Day

Winter Walk Day is the first Wednesday of February every year. Students are encouraged to dress for the weather and join their peers in the walk to and from school. Join us for #WinterWalkDay on Wednesday, February 7th!

Active school travel makes a difference. Learn more about the benefits of walking to school each day by clicking HERE.


Download High Quality meeting clipart council Transparent PNG Images ...CSAC Meeting: Monday January 22nd

Our next Council meeting will be held in the Learning Commons on Monday January 22nd from 6pm – 7:30pm. We will discuss issues connected to Healthy Schools including our parking lot concerns, and active school travel plans. All are welcome to attend.



Math @Home

Parents can make a big difference in their child’s learning by talking with them about what they are learning at school. Families can support their child’s success by finding ways to make a connection between what is being learned at school and outside the classroom.

Check out our WCDSB Monthly Math @Home Newsletter for ideas on FINANCIAL LITERACY.  All Ontario students need the skills and knowledge to take responsibility for managing their personal financial well-being with confidence, competence and critical and compassionate awareness of the world around them. In the 2020 Mathematics curriculum for grades 1 to 8, financial literacy includes understanding the value and use of money over time, how to manage finances and the value of budgeting.

Issue No. 5 Financial Literacy 

Previous Math @ Home newsletters

Issue No. 4 Coding

Issue No. 3 Math Facts

Issue No. 2 Multiplication Facts

Issue No. 1 About the 2020 Math Curriculum


Together, we will build a strong community that is committed to lifting up others, repairing harms of the past, and creating a better tomorrow for all. #Strengthen


Important Dates

January 19th – PA Day (no school for students)

February 15th – Term 1 Reports go home

February 19th – Family Day (no school for students)

March 8~15th – March Break (no school for students)

March 29th – Good Friday (no school for students)

April 1st – Easter Monday (no school for students)

April 19th – PA Day (no school for students)

May 20th – Victoria Day (no school for students)

May 31st – PA Day (no school for students)

June 25th- Term 2 Reports go home

June 27th- Last Day of School

June 28th – PA Day  (no school for students)

Thunder Update: Winter Weather reminders

Hello Thunder families!

Snow & Winter Safety 

The snow season returned this week and is here for the remainder of the winter. Our students LOVE playing in the snow when we have it and you can help them enjoy it more by making sure they have extra clothing to stay warm including boots, snow pants, mittens, and hats. It would be helpful for students to keep an extra pair of dry mittens and socks in their backpacks as well. Students are outside for two 15-minute recess breaks and a 40-minute lunch recess.  This can feel very long if not appropriately dressed.

As per our Board’s policy, when the temperature is between -20°C and -27°C students will not be outside longer than 15 minutes.  When temperatures are colder than -27°C, students remain inside.

Please check the weather before school to be prepared for the day ahead.

It is imperative that students have a pair of inside shoes for safety.


Sign up for Bus Notifications

The cancellation of buses does not automatically indicate that schools will be closed. The decision to close schools due to inclement weather is a separate decision from buses. Please be sure to monitor our NewsWire before school on days when winter conditions may indicate buses could be canceled or that schools are closed.

Use your phone to scan the QR code.

If your child rides a bus at St. John’s, you need to sign up for notifications.

Buses are frequently late on days when we have bad weather. Notifications are sent out on email from Student Transportation Services to parents who have signed up. Please take the time to sign up for bus notifications so you can be informed of delays. This is how the school finds out that buses are running late, too. Please do not call the school when your child’s bus is running late.

If you require support in Tigrinya, please make an appointment with Segen.

We appreciate you taking the time to complete this important sign up.


How are you feeling?  

Cold and flu season is certainly upon us. If your child is feeling sick, they should not attend school to prevent transmission to others.  Students should not attend school if they have the following symptoms that are not related to other conditions:


  • Fever and/or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Decrease or loss of taste or smell
  • Muscle aches or joint pain
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy/congested nose
  • Headache
  • Nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Pink eye
  • Decreased or no appetite

After being sick, students may return to school when symptoms have been improving for at least 24 hours (or 48 hours if they had nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea) and do not have a fever and do not develop any additional symptoms. If your child returns to school before this time, you will be called and asked to pick them up. We need to prevent illness from spreading throughout our school community as much as possible.

Thank you in advance for your continued support in keeping sick children at home to help stop the spread of viruses.

Thunder Update: Jan. 8 – 12, 2024

Welcome back, Thunder!

Happy New Year to each and every one of you! Hopefully, your holidays were filled with joy, peace, and precious moments spent with loved ones. We look forward to welcoming our students, parents, and staff back to school this week.

The start of a new year is not just a change in the calendar but also a fresh chapter filled with new opportunities for growth and achievement. It’s a time for setting goals, embracing challenges, and working together to make the rest of this academic year truly exceptional.

Our school is not just a building: it’s a vibrant community of learners, teachers, and families united by a common purpose—learning! We can approach the upcoming months with enthusiasm, curiosity, and a commitment to excellence recognizing that learning means growth not perfection. Together, we will continue to create an environment where every student feels safe, supported, inspired, and empowered to reach their fullest potential.

“As disciples of Christ, we educate and nurture hope in all learners to realize their full potential to transform God’s world.” ~ WCDSB Mission

Let’s make 2024 another extraordinary chapter in the story of St. John’s Catholic Elementary School.


Important Reminder:

Please remember to pack winter wear, indoor shoes & a reusable water bottle. 

If your child does not already have a pair of indoor shoes at school, please make sure to send a pair in with your child. These shoes can be kept at school on our shoe racks in the hallway or brought back and forth daily if that is your preference. It is essential that all students have a pair of indoor shoes that can be used for daily active participation in school and physical education.  Remember, Crocs and sandals cannot be worn in the gym. Be sure to label your child’s shoes please, as some students have the same shoes. Thank you!

A reminder that we do spend time outside for learning and recess multiple times each day. We keep an eye on temperature and wind, and we love it when the sun shines. Please remember to send your children with warm layers, winter boots, extra gloves and extra socks!


Catholic Graduate Expectations

In January, our Catholic Graduate Expectation focus is on being a reflective, creative and holistic thinker! 

Being a reflective, creative and holistic thinker means … I HAVE IDEAS!
I have thoughts and opinions that matter
I make good choices
I have hope for the future
I solve problems with knowledge, understanding and prayer
I know we are all equal and special

Because I have ideas, I have a purpose, and I will live my life like Jesus! 


Deep Learning: Transferable Skills

Transferable skills are the skills and attributes that students need to thrive in the modern world. Based on international research, the Ontario Ministry of Education has defined seven important categories of transferable skills – sometimes called “competencies” – that will help students navigate the world of work and meet with success in the future.

As we step into the month of January at St. John’s, our focus will be on fostering Innovation, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship among our students. These essential skills empower students to ask questions, share their opinions, and cultivate new ideas. We aim to inspire them to contribute solutions to real-world problems, nurturing leadership qualities, imagination, creativity, and the ability to motivate others. We encourage you to actively engage with your child at home by fostering an environment that supports these skills. Encourage them to explore, question, and share their thoughts, allowing their creativity to flourish. Thank you for your continued support and partnership in cultivating a dynamic and enriching educational experience for your child.


Other Information: 

Kindergarten Registration NOW OPEN!

The online registration portal for Kindergarten registration for the 2024-2025 school is now open!

  • Children born in 2020 are eligible for Year 1 of The Kindergarten Program (Junior Kindergarten)

Children born in 2019 are eligible for Year 2 of The Kindergarten Program (Senior Kindergarten).

*Children currently enrolled in Year 1 (JK) do not need to register for Year 2 (SK).

Kindergarten Registration 2024-2025Poster


REMINDER: No School for Students on January 19th

A kind reminder that there is NO school next week on FRIDAY, January 19th as it is a Professional Activity Day.


Together, we will build a strong community that is committed to lifting up others, repairing harms of the past, and creating a better tomorrow for all. #Strengthen


Important Dates

January 19th – PA Day (no school for students)

February 15th – Term 1 Reports go home

February 19th – Family Day (no school for students)

March 8~15th – March Break (no school for students)

March 29th – Good Friday (no school for students)

April 1st – Easter Monday (no school for students)

April 19th – PA Day (no school for students)

May 20th – Victoria Day (no school for students)

May 31st – PA Day (no school for students)

June 25th- Term 2 Reports go home

June 27th- Last Day of School

June 28th – PA Day  (no school for students)

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