Monthly Archives: February 2023

Today is Pizza Day!

Pizza will be delivered today for all students who had orders in for yesterday’s snow day.

Congratulations, Mrs. Harris! We are SO PROUD of you!!!

WCDSB Vice-Principal Lorraine Harris Recognized at Ontario Legislature for Developing New Black Heritage Curriculum

On February 21, 2023, WCDSB Vice-Principal Lorraine Harris was present at the Ontario Legislature where she accepted a special certificate of recognition for development of My Place in this World, a new Ontario school curriculum that celebrates Black Heritage.

It is recognized as the first year-round Black Heritage Curriculum that is aligned with Provincial standards.

The Guelph Black Heritage Society – led by WCDSB’s Denise Francis – -was an integral collaborator/ contributor, especially in doing research for the project.

The award sponsored and presented by Cambridge MPP Brian Riddell.

Following presentation of the certificate, Lorraine was honoured to meet with Premier Doug Ford and Education Minister Stephen Lecce.

The Ministry of Education will be reviewing the curriculum to decide the next steps in bringing this resource to more schools in the Province.

About My Place in this World

My Place in this World celebrates Black Heritage. Rather than starting and ending with the slavery narrative and oppression, this innovative curriculum provides a wealth of information, activities, assignments, and assessments that recognize the vast contributions of people from the mother continent.

My Place in this World is for all students, but particularly for our Black students in Canada.  It disrupts the negative effects of post-traumatic slavery syndrome plaguing Black youth and it fosters pride, a sense of belonging, and most importantly, hope.

My Place in this World:

  • Celebrates Black Heritage;
  • Ends the slavery narrative and oppression;
  • Disrupts the negative effects of post-traumatic slavery syndrome plaguing Black youth;
  • Is an innovative curriculum;
  • Provides a wealth of information, activities, assignments, and assessments that recognizes the vast contributions of people from the mother continent Africa; and,
  • Fosters pride, a sense of belonging, and most importantly, hope.

My Place in this World +++++++> VIDEO



Why should we use a Black curriculum in schools?

In Ontario, nearly one out of every 15 young Black men experienced jail time, compared to one out of 70 young White men — THAT is a disparity of more than four times.

  • 94% of Black youth aged 15 to 25 said that they would like to get a bachelor’s degree or higher; only 60% thought that they could.
  • 53% of Black students were in academic programs as compared to 81% of White and 80% of other racialized students.
  • Getting inside the “root” of the achievement and opportunity gap is how we begin to achieve equity for all.

What does the curriculum look like?

The activities are:

  • Engaging and easy for teachers to follow;
  • Cross-curricular ( math, language, science, history, drama skills, etc.);
  • Linked to the Ontario curriculum and learning outcomes; and,
  • Positive and support Mental Health and Wellness for all students, particularly Black students.

The students are:

  • Immediately hooked by the videos, art, poetry, songs, essays, and discussion questions that are grade-level appropriate.
  • Asked to make real world connections to current Black leaders and role-models as the curriculum progresses across grade levels.

All Schools CLOSED today

Due to the weather conditions, ALL Waterloo Catholic District School Board and Waterloo Region District School Board SCHOOLS AND SITES ARE CLOSED.

  • All before and after school programs and child care centres co-located in schools are CLOSED.
  • All programs and services offered by St. Louis Continuing Education and Adult and Learning Centres are cancelled

Stay safe today!


ብሰንኪ ዅነታት ኣየር ቦርድ ቤት ትምህርቲ ኣውራጃ ዋተርሉ ካቶሊክን ቦርድ ቤት ትምህርቲ ኣውራጃ ዋተርሉን ኣብያተ ትምህርትን ወብ ሳይታትን ተዓጽወ።
ኵሉ እቲ ብWCDSB ከምኡውን WRDSB ዝካየድ ናይ ቤት ትምህርቲ ኣውቶቡሳት ታክሲታት ከምኡውን ፍሉይ ናይ ትምህርቲ መገድታት ተሰረዘ።
ኵሉ እቲ ቕድሚ ትምህርትን ድሕሪኡን ኣብ ኣብያተ-ትምህርቲ ዚርከብ መደባት ትምህርትን ማእከላት ክንክን ሕጻናትን ተዓጽዩ እዩ።
ኵሉ እቲ ሰይንት ሉዊስ ቀጻሊ ትምህርትን እኹላትን ትምህርትን ዝህብዎ መደባትን ኣገልግሎታትን ተሰረዘ

ሎሚ እውን ካብ ሓደጋ ርሓቕ!

Parent Engagement event at Holy Rosary CES

St. John’s Families,

Holy Rosary Catholic Elementary School is hosting Dr. Asa on Thursday, February 23rd from 6:30 – 7:30 pm.  He has a powerful message to share with parents and families about the importance of education and speaks directly about the environment we create in our homes.

Dr. Asa has named his talk:  Dreams of our Parents The HOPE for Today.  From a grateful child. We would like to have as many families/people as possible join us to hear his heart-throbbing message and the power of a dream.

As an obstetrician, Dr. Ahimbisibwe understands firsthand the importance of providing hope and opportunities for all children. Through his book and his work, he shines a light on the challenges facing children and families around the world, and the vital role that education plays in creating a brighter, more hopeful future.

At this special event, Dr. Ahimbisibwe will share his insights and experiences and engage in a thought-provoking conversation about the power of education.  You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, connect with other attendees, and learn more about how you can make a difference in the lives of children and families in our communities.

A Tigrinya translator will be present to ensure that all attendees can fully participate in this special evening.  Doors open at 6:15 PM.

 Click here to RSVP 

Holy Rosary C.E.S. 
485 Thorndale Drive,
Waterloo, Ontario,
N2T 1W5

Kindergarten Registration in person TODAY!

Kindergarten Registration in person TODAY at St. John’s from 4pm to 7pm

Just a quick reminder that today from 4pm to 7pm is Kindergarten Registration in person at St. John’s. If you require Tigrinya translation we have our YMCA Settlement Worker Martha with us, as well.

  • Children born in 2019 are eligible for Year 1 of The Kindergarten Program (Junior Kindergarten)
  • Children born in 2018 are eligible for Year 2 of The Kindergarten Program (Senior Kindergarten).
  • *Children currently enrolled in Year 1 (JK) do not need to register for Year 2 (SK).

For more information please visit: The Kindergarten Program-WCDSB


It is very important that families register their Kindergarten children for next year as soon as possible so we can secure appropriate staffing for our classes.

2023-24 Extended Day pre-registration

Click on the title above if you are interested in Extended Day for next year. The program is only offered if there are enough registrations.

ሎሚ ኣብ ሰይንት ጆን ካብ ሰዓት 4 ናይ ምሸት ክሳዕ ሰዓት 7 ናይ ምሸት ብኣካል ምምዝጋብ ኣባይቲ ሕጻናት

ሎሚ ኻብ ሰዓት 4 ናይ ምሸት ክሳዕ ሰዓት 7 ናይ ምሸት ኣብ ሰይንት ጆን ብኣካል ምምዝጋብ ኣባይቲ ሕጻናት ምዃኑ ዘዘኻኽር ሓጺር መዘኻኸሪ ጥራይ ኢዩ ። ትርጕም ትግርኛ ትደሊ እንተደኣ ዄንካ ማርታ እትበሃል ሰራሕተኛና እውን ምሳና ትህልወና ።

ብ2019 እተወልዱ ቘልዑ ን1 ዓመት መደብ ኣባይቲ ሕጻናት (ንእሽቶ ኣባይቲ ሕጻናት) ብቑዓት እዮም
ብ2018 እተወልዱ ቘልዑ ን2 ዓመት መደብ ኣባይቲ ሕጻናት (ኣረጋውያን ኣባይቲ ሕጻናት) ብቑዓት እዮም ።
* ኣብዚ እዋን እዚ ኣብ 1 ዓመት ዚምዝገቡ ቘልዑ ን2 ዓመት ኪምዝገቡ ኣየድልዮምን እዩ።

Season of Lent is upon us

What is Lent?

What is Lent all about? Why do Christians receive ashes on Ash Wednesday? Why 40 days? If you’re looking for answers, you’ve come to the right place. In an updated version of our classic video (with a bonus extra minute — because there’s a lot happening here!), Busted Halo explains the significance of this season of prayer, fasting, and giving, and how you can make the most of this time of repentance and renewal.

Visit for more Lenten inspiration.


Pancake Day 

Shrove Tuesday, also known as “pancake day”, is Tuesday, February 21st. This is the day before Ash Wednesday. As a school community we will celebrate Shrove Tuesday with a school-wide Pancake Breakfast served after morning announcements. We are having the pancakes catered by Remember Me, Inc. Thank you to the St. Vincent de Paul Society at St. John’s parish for your donation to offset the cost of our pancakes. We also appreciate the support of our school volunteers for making this possible.



Ash Wednesday

The Holy season of Lent, a season of fasting and prayer begins Wednesday, February 22nd. Ash Wednesday takes place 46 days before Easter Sunday. We will be receiving ashes on Wednesday at the parish. The ashes symbolize the dust from which God made us. They are made from blessed palm branches, taken from the previous year’s palm Sunday Mass.

Pink Shirt Day: Wednesday February 22

All staff & students are encouraged to wear something pink on Wednesday this week.

Have you ever wondered why we encourage everyone across Canada to wear PINK on the last Wednesday of February? Click on the link below to learn more about the beginnings of Pink Shirt day, and the importance of speaking out against bullying.

The Pink Shirt Day Story


Kindergarten Registration NOW OPEN!

The online registration portal for Kindergarten registration for the 2023-2024 school is now open!

  • Children born in 2019 are eligible for Year 1 of The Kindergarten Program (Junior Kindergarten)
  • Children born in 2018 are eligible for Year 2 of The Kindergarten Program (Senior Kindergarten). \
  • *Children currently enrolled in Year 1 (JK) do not need to register for Year 2 (SK).

Register ONLINE!

For more information please visit: The Kindergarten Program-WCDSB

If you would like to register in person and/ or require translation for Tigrinya please come to the school on Tuesday February 21st between 4pm – 7pm. It is very important that families register their Kindergarten children for next year as soon as possible so we can secure appropriate staffing for our classes.

2023-24 Extended Day pre-registration

Click on the title above if you are interested in Extended Day for next year. The program is only offered if there are enough registrations.

Staffing Updates: 

We have had some staffing changes recently and we would like to take a moment to update our community:

  • Welcome Mme. Yust who is teaching French as a Second Language in the mornings everyday. She will be teaching Grade 5 (Ms. Green), Grade 6 (Ms. Gangl), and Grade 8 (Ms. Stephens). We are very excited to have you with us, Mme. Yust!
  • We said goodbye to Mr. Springall who was teaching our Intermediate FSL classes part time. Thank you for being with us, Mr. Springall. We wish you all the best!
  • Welcome back Ms. Brooker! We are so glad to have you back with us!
  • Wishing Lunch Hour Supervisor Girmay Tesfay all the best as he moves on from St. John’s at the end of February. We have enjoyed having you with us over the lunch hour.
  • Welcome Reginald Harsa & Oneidys Hernandez our new Lunch Hour Supervisors

As you may be aware, WCDSB has been experiencing staffing shortages that are consistent across Waterloo Region and the entire province. Please know that we continue to work diligently with Human Resources to find and hire qualified teachers. As a result of these staffing shortages, some of our Music & Health teachers continue to be reassigned to classrooms at other schools. We look forward to having them back with us once regular classroom teachers can be placed in those schools.

Other Information: 

Student Responsible Use of Technology

The WCDSB supports the benefits that technology can offer for students in their learning activities and student achievement. At the beginning of the year, all families were asked to read and sign our responsible use of technology guidelines to ensure information technology (IT) resources are being used in a safe and responsible manner. As we enter into Term 2 please take a moment to review the following links with your children.



It is also part of our Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations to be positive digital citizens too.

Digital Citizenship through the OCGE

Cellphones at School

We are seeing an increase in cellphone use at school that is not appropriate. All parents/ guardians are reminded that students must abide by the ministry guidelines on appropriate use of cellphones and personal electronic devices at school. This includes riding to and from school on a school bus.

Students should never be using their cellphone on the school yard, on the school bus or in school bathrooms. If students are found to be using their personal electronic devices inappropriately they will be asked not to bring it to school anymore. Parents may be called to the school to pick up the device and take it home. Suspension from the school bus and/ or school is also a possible consequence for inappropriate use.


Donations Accepted to Support Earthquake Relief 

While rescue and recovery efforts continue, it has already been confirmed that more than 35,000 people have died. Many thousands more — including many current refugees — are in desperate need of shelter, food, clean water, and medicine. Consequently, the Senior Team and Board of Trustees would like to invite all WCDSB students and staff to participate in a centralized fundraising campaign via the Canadian Red Cross (operating under the umbrella of the International Red Cross). Donations of ANY AMOUNT will support the range of emergency services the Red Cross is delivering to those in need including interim housing, clothing, food, and other essential supplies. All fundraising efforts will be collected centrally using the following link: *Please Note: Tax receipts are NOT available for this donation.

Donations – Earthquake in Turkey & Syria 

The World Needs YOU to Make a Difference! 

Mark your Calendar!

February 21st ~ Shrove Tuesday

February 22nd ~  Ash Wednesday

February 22nd ~ Pink Shirt Day

March 13th – 17th ~ Week of March Break (no school)

March 31st ~ P.A. Day (no school)

April 7th ~ Good Friday (no school)

April 10th ~ Easter Monday (no school)

April 21st ~ P.A. Day (no school)

May 1st ~ Catholic Education Week

May 22nd ~ Victoria Day (no school)

June 2nd ~ P.A. Day (no school)

June 27th ~ Term 2 Report Card Distribution

June 29th ~ Last Day of School 2022/2023


Together, we will build a strong community that is committed to lifting up others, repairing harms of the past, and creating a better tomorrow for all. #Awaken

Early February updates

“Inclusion is not bringing people into what already exists; it is making a new space, a better space for everyone.”

George Dei, 2006.

Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectation

Each month, we celebrate one of the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations across our school community. This month, the Grade 6 students from Ms. Gangl and Mr. Rogalski’s classes are sharing messages about how to use our voices to make a difference. Their bulletin board display in the main foyer is a wonderful example of how students are bringing the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations to life for staff and students. Check out our school Twitter account to see their wonderful messages!


  • I speak, write and listen as Jesus would want me to
    • I care about others and speak up for them
    • I am honest
    • I think carefully before I react or speak
    • I respect all people and their languages
    • I listen to the Word of God

Because I have a voice, I will use it lovingly, and I will live my life like Jesus.

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is next week on Tuesday, February 14th. We will celebrate the day by having a St. Valentine Spirit Day where all staff & students are encouraged to dress in RedWhite, and Pink!

If your child is planning on sharing Valentine’s cards in class, please remember that EVERY child in the class must receive a card. THANK YOU for reminding your child that at school this day is about kindness and friendship – and being considerate of others when celebrating this day within our community. Please do not send in any food items as we do not share food at school.  Acts of kindness and inclusion along with Valentine’s cards are more than enough to celebrate this day.

Report Cards & IEPs

Term one report cards will be sent home Friday, February 17th. These reports are the assessment and evidence of learning collected and documented from September until now. Letter grades are given for students in grades 1-6 and percentage marks are given for students in grades 7-8. Teacher comments focus on your child’s strengths and next steps for learning improvement. Kindergarten students will also receive their term one Kindergarten Communication of Learning highlighting key learning and next steps . If your child has an Individual Education Plan, the IEP will be sent home along with the Term One report card. Although formal interviews occurred in November, please feel free to connect with your child’s teacher if you have concerns or questions about your child’s progress.

Monday, February 2oth is FAMILY DAY!

Since 2008, Family Day has been celebrated in Ontario on the 3rd Monday of the month. There is NO school this day! This is a day to step away from other duties and distractions for a moment and just be together as a family. Embrace the time and find joy in the small but beautiful moments with your family.

APH008: Inclement Weather

Cold Weather and Outdoor Breaks

When schools are open, special consideration must be given to the safety and well-being of students while they are outside at recess, lunch, or for other outdoor activities. The following temperatures (including windchill) and actions should be followed during winter months:

  • When the temperature is between -20°C and -27°C, principals will move to a shortened outdoor recess and lunch period. This period will not be longer than 15 minutes.
  • When temperatures are colder than -27°C, students must remain inside

Temperatures and conditions vary across the Region. The following website shall be used to assess local conditions:

  • top right corner “edit locations”…add our school name St. John’s Catholic (Kitchener) and save this location
  • look at the FEELS LIKE temperature to determine how long students will be outside
  • this information is updated every 10 minutes on the website

You have to follow the steps above to ensure you are looking at the correct forecast for our school community. This is the process all staff have been directed to follow at St. Johns. We will have this website open all day to ensure consistent practice and adherence to the board’s revised policy.

Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region

Have you ever wondered why school buses are cancelled? Where do you look for information about school buses? Go the THIS WEBSITE for information from Student Transportation Services.

If your child rides a school bus you need to sign up for notifications. This is how you will find out about late buses, cancelled bus, etc. Please see the instructions HERE to sign up for bus notifications.

Kindergarten Registration NOW OPEN!

The online registration portal for Kindergarten registration for the 2023-2024 school is now open!

  • Children born in 2019 are eligible for Year 1 of The Kindergarten Program (Junior Kindergarten)
  • Children born in 2018 are eligible for Year 2 of The Kindergarten Program (Senior Kindergarten).
  • *Children currently enrolled in Year 1 (JK) do not need to register for Year 2 (SK).

Register ONLINE!

For more information please visit: The Kindergarten Program-WCDSB


Mark your Calendar!

February 17th ~ Term 1 Report Card Distribution

February 20th ~ Family Day (no school)

February 21st ~ Shrove Tuesday

February 22nd ~  Ash Wednesday

March 13th – 17th ~ Week of March Break (no school)

March 31st ~ P.A. Day (no school)

April 7th ~ Good Friday (no school)

April 10th ~ Easter Monday (no school)

April 21st ~ P.A. Day (no school)

May 1st ~ Catholic Education Week

May 22nd ~ Victoria Day (no school)

June 2nd ~ P.A. Day (no school)

June 27th ~ Term 2 Report Card Distribution

June 29th ~ Last Day of School 2022/2023

Together, we will build a strong community that is committed to lifting up others, repairing harms of the past, and creating a better tomorrow for all. #Awaken

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