Yearly Archives: 2023

Christmas Café & Open House reminder

2023 Christmas Cafe invite

Christmas Café & Open House

Thursday December 21st, 2023

8:45am – 10:30am

Please come and join us in the gym for hot drinks and light breakfast treats. Socialize with staff and other parents as we gather in the fellowship of the Christmas spirit.

School aged children will be supervised on the yard at this time but you are welcome to bring younger children who are not yet school aged.

Once students are in classes, families are invited to visit Grade 1-6 classrooms and join in a Christmas activity, sing along, or craft with their children.

Our Kindergarten students will be gathering at the church for a brief Christmas concert from 9:30am to 10:15am. Please speak to your child’s Kindergarten teacher if you would like more information.


11:00am Daily Mass @ St. John’s Roman Catholic Church

Our Intermediate students will be attending 11am Mass at the church and families are certainly welcome to join us!

We look forward to you joining us on Thursday December 21st!

Merry Christmas

Christmas Café & Open House: December 21st

2023 Christmas Cafe invite

Christmas Café & Open House

Thursday December 21st, 2023

8:45am – 10:30am

Please come and join us in the gym for hot drinks and light breakfast treats. Socialize with staff and other parents as we gather in the fellowship of the Christmas spirit.

School aged children will be supervised on the yard at this time but you are welcome to bring younger children who are not yet school aged.

Once students are in classes, families are invited to visit Grade 1-6 classrooms and join in a Christmas activity, sing along, or craft with their children.

Our Kindergarten students will be gathering at the church for a brief Christmas concert from 9:30am to 10:15am. Please speak to your child’s Kindergarten teacher if you would like more information.


11:00am Daily Mass @ St. John’s Roman Catholic Church

Our Intermediate students will be attending 11am Mass at the church and families are certainly welcome to join us!

We look forward to you joining us on Thursday December 21st!

Merry Christmas

The attached flyer will be sent home to each family as well!

Thunder Update: First Week of Advent

Good day Thunder Community!


Today is the first Sunday of Advent a time when we prepare for the coming of Jesus.  Each Monday, we will light one candle in our Advent wreath to help us count down the four weeks of Advent. The first candle is the candle of HOPE. The lighting of the candle is not a passive act. It reminds us that we, too, are the light, as Jesus said in Matthew 5:14. We can shine a light in dark places by providing kind gestures or kind words to those in need. Over the next four weeks, we will prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus.

Advent Resources for home & school


Busted Halo Advent Calendar

A digital twist on the traditional Advent calendar brings a sense of surprise by showing you the whole calendar, but not letting you “open” each day and find out what’s behind the picture until that day comes along. Each day, the link will lead you to a special Advent-themed Daily Jolt and MicroChallenge.

10 Meaningful Advent Traditions to try this year


This is why we are here…

Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations

December’s Catholic Graduate Expectation focuses on being a Caring Family Member.

Caring Family Member gives witness to Catholic social teachings by promoting peace, and respect for all.

Being a caring family member means I CARE!

I love God, myself and my family,
I care about and respect my ‘family’ at school, at Church, in the community, and the world,
I care about and respect God’s creation and everything in it.

Because I care, I pray for all my families, and I will live my life like Jesus!

How will you be a caring family member for those you love and those you care about this month, and always?

How are you going to change your life for the better this Advent season?


Deep Learning: Transferable Skills

Transferable skills are the skills and attributes that students need to thrive in the modern world. Based on international research, the Ontario Ministry of Education has defined seven important categories of transferable skills – sometimes called “competencies” – that will help students navigate the world of work and meet with success in the future.

During December, as Catholics, we will show transferable skills through active collaboration, not just with our classmates and teachers but also within our wider community organizations like our parish churches, volunteer opportunities, and giving to others. It’s about tackling real-world challenges, engaging in activities, and exchanging ideas together.  We encourage you to support your child’s learning partnerships at home by participating in a community initiative such as volunteering or donating to a local organization that has meaning for your family. You may also wish to visit our parish website for Advent Mass times.

Thank you for your continued support and partnership.

Other Information: 

Snow & Winter Safety 

The snow season arrived this week and is here for the remainder of the winter. Our students LOVE playing in the snow when we have it and you can help them enjoy it more by making sure they have extra clothing to stay warm including boots, snow pants, mittens, and hats. It would be helpful for students to keep an extra pair of dry mittens and socks in their backpacks as well. As per our Board’s policy, when the temperature is between -20°C and -27°C students will not be outside longer than 15 minutes.  When temperatures are colder than -27°C, students remain inside.

We have reminded our students of the dangers of throwing snow/ice and sliding on any icy spots/hills outside. Serious injury can often result from what is often considered ‘just good fun’ or ‘joking around’ in the snow. At school, we enforce the rule of NO SNOWBALLS being thrown at people at any time. Please reinforce this important rule with your children at home. This helps us all remain safe while walking to and from school each day and playing at recess.

St. John’s Snow Rules

We share the responsibility of snow removal on and around our property. The city is responsible for our sidewalks by the road. School personnel and board contractors are responsible for pathways and the parking lot. This involves both snow clearance and salting in certain areas. Our head custodian checks the ground conditions early every morning, and salting in some areas may occur. It is always important to be careful during the winter months when walking on pathways and sidewalks.


Download High Quality meeting clipart council Transparent PNG Images ...CSAC Meeting: Monday December 4th

Our next Council meeting will be held in the Learning Commons on Monday December 4th from 6pm – 7:30pm. We will discuss the upcoming Christmas Café & Open House event. All are welcome to attend.



No Parking Symbol From Dornbos Sign & Safety

Please do not ENTER School Parking Lot 

A reminder that our school parking lot is available only for staff parking and bus/taxi drop-offs at the beginning and end of day. This lot is also shared with St. John’s church which means it is a busy area. There are no additional parking spots for families during drop off and pick up times. 

Despite our reminders, we continue to have parents park illegally and abandon their cars in the middle of the lot. This is dangerous and illegal. Last Friday, both Administrators had to address numerous parents who were blocking the fire lane, driving through the STOP & Do Not Enter sign, and barricading staff cars due to perpendicular parking in the lot. Our school buses could not exit the lot due to the number of cars that were blocking the driveway. School staff should not have to risk their lives to re-direct parents who continue to enter the lot despite it clearly being full.

If your child is a bus eligible student, they are expected to ride the bus to and from school. This alleviates additional traffic at drop off and pick up times at the school. If your child is not bus eligible, this means that you live within an acceptable walking distance to the school. Please walk to drop off / pick up your child each day.

If you must drop off or pick up your child with a vehicle at the beginning or end of day, please park on the side streets or at Cherry Park and walk to the school. Thank you for helping to ensure the safety of all of our students and staff.

City of Kitchener Bylaw will be contacted this week to help deal with this increasingly dangerous situation. Our priority is keeping students safe while they board school transportation and/or while leaving the property at the end of the day.

Sick Emoji - Illness Emoji , Free Transparent Clipart - ClipartKey


How are you feeling?  

Cold and flu season is certainly upon us. If your child is feeling sick, they should not attend school to prevent transmission to others.  Students should not attend school if they have the following symptoms that are not related to other conditions:


  • Fever and/or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Decrease or loss of taste or smell
  • Muscle aches or joint pain
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy/congested nose
  • Headache
  • Nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Pink eye
  • Decreased or no appetite

After being sick, students may return to school when symptoms have been improving for at least 24 hours (or 48 hours if they had nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea) and do not have a fever and do not develop any additional symptoms. If your child returns to school before this time, you will be called and asked to pick them up. We need to prevent illness from spreading throughout our school community as much as possible.

Thank you in advance for your continued support in keeping sick children at home to help stop the spread of viruses.

Together, we will build a strong community that is committed to lifting up others, repairing harms of the past, and creating a better tomorrow for all. #Strengthen


Important Dates

December 25th – Christmas Break Begins

January 8th – Back to School New Year 2024

January 19th – PA Day (no school for students)

February 15th – Term 1 Reports go home

February 19th – Family Day (no school for students)

March 8~15th – March Break (no school for students)

March 29th – Good Friday (no school for students)

April 1st – Easter Monday (no school for students)

April 19th – PA Day (no school for students)

May 20th – Victoria Day (no school for students)

May 31st – PA Day (no school for students)

June 25th- Term 2 Reports go home

June 27th- Last Day of School

June 28th – PA Day  (no school for students)

Thunder Update: November 20-24

This upcoming week is our Increase the Peace! Week with a focus on kindness, empathy, community and anti-bullying awareness. We will have a daily focus for each day inspired by our WCDSB Pastoral theme of STRENGHTEN. We will share our focus each morning with all of our students in their classes and on our daily school-wide morning announcements.


  • Monday: Strengthen our friendships
  • Tuesday: Strengthen our capacity for empathy
  • Wednesday: Strengthen our listening ears
  • Thursday: Strengthen our conflict resolution skills
  • Friday: Strengthen our Kindness

Happening This Week: 

Reminder: Progress Reports and Conferences

Progress Reports will be going home on Monday, November 20th. We hope you recognize the strengths in learning so far and celebrate successes for the start of the year at school. These initial reports highlight progress towards the end of the year expectations. There is still lots of time to reflect on next steps for growth in learning and set goals for the school year.

Conferences are scheduled for this upcoming week and we look forward to connecting with our families. Please be sure you have booked a conference or reached out to your child’s teacher. Thank you for your continued support as partners in education.

How to Book a Parent-Student-Teacher Conference:

1. Click the Link: Parent-Student-Teacher Conference 

2. Select your child’s teacher from the “Select Staff” dropdown menu

3. Click “November 23rd” on the Calendar

4. Pick a conference time (Only available times will be listed)

5. Add your details (Email and Phone number are required in case we need to contact you for any changes, etc.)

6. Click Book and you will receive a confirmation email

Bookings will close at 10am on Thursday November 23rd. You will need to call the office at 519-579-0890 for assistance after this time.


Grade 8 Night at Resurrection Catholic SS

Calling all Future Phoenix! Join us on Wednesday, November 29th at 6:30 pm at Resurrection to learn more about the transition to high school.

Other Information: 


There are 194 school days in a given year. Missing a “few” might not seem like a big deal, but “a day here and a day there” can add up to a substantial amount of learning loss. Every day matters; routine matters. A healthy routine with regular attendance is essential to a child’s success. If you have a concern, please talk to us at school.

Attendance Matters Late Chart


Winter Weather Reminder 

It is imperative that students have a pair of inside shoes for safety. Now that the colder weather has arrived, the halls are often wet, and boots and socks will become wet quickly. Also, it can get very cold in the yard during recess times with the open field.  Please pack extra hats, mittens, and socks in your child’s backpack.  Students are outside for two 15-minute recess breaks and a 40-minute lunch recess.  This can feel very long if not appropriately dressed.

Please check the weather before school to be prepared.

In the colder winter months, depending on the severity of the weather, there are times that we shorten our time outside or do not go out at all.

  • When the temperature is between -20°C and -27°C, students will not be outside longer than 15 minutes.
  • When temperatures are colder than -27°C, students remain inside

The cancellation of buses does not automatically indicate that schools will be closed. The decision to close schools due to inclement weather is a separate decision from buses. Please be sure to monitor our NewsWire before school on days when winter conditions may indicate buses could be canceled or that schools are closed.


Lunch Box Weather Reminder

When buses are cancelled, food days for that day will be cancelled too.  The office will call the vendor the morning of to advise that the delivery is cancelled that day.  The Lunchbox Support Team will process credits to the family’s accounts for the cancelled lunch orders.


Together, we will build a strong community that is committed to lifting up others, repairing harms of the past, and creating a better tomorrow for all. #Strengthen

Important Dates

December 25th – Christmas Break Begins

January 8th – Back to School New Year 2024

January 19th – PA Day (no school for students)

February 15th – Term 1 Reports go home

February 19th – Family Day (no school for students)

March 8~15th – March Break (no school for students)

March 29th – Good Friday (no school for students)

April 1st – Easter Monday (no school for students)

April 19th – PA Day (no school for students)

May 20th – Victoria Day (no school for students)

May 31st – PA Day (no school for students)

June 25th- Term 2 Reports go home

June 27th- Last Day of School

June 28th – PA Day  (no school for students)

Thunder Update: Nov. 13-17

Thunder Community,

What a beautiful weekend to Remember. On November 11th, Remembrance Day, we were called to remember those who have given up so much for us in their quest to bring peace to the world. We were also reminded of our call to be peacemakers in our school, family, and community. This month, as we focus on the Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectation, “I have a Voice!” we are learning how to speak up against injustice, use our words for good, and how to make changes that create a safe & inclusive space for everyone in our community. Our Grade 5 students are doing a fantastic job sharing messages, announcements, and Google Slides with our school community. #studentvoice


Strengthen: PD Day in November

“I can do all things through the One who strengthens me”

Our WCDSB Pastoral Plan this year is Strengthen. With this theme, staff and students explore how we are the People of God, listening and responding, STRENGTHENED to share the Gospel.  Our Spiritual PD day is November 13th. (no school for students) 


Thank you to our 2022-23 Catholic School Advisory Council for the time and energy you invested in our TD Friends of the Environment grant. We have been awarded a $14 025.97 grant toward an Outdoor Classroom & Gardens. Work on this grant will begin soon and we are very excited about the finished product. We will share more information as the project continues.


advisory council clipart 20 free Cliparts | Download images on ...2023-24 Catholic School Advisory Council

Our second meeting of this school year took place on Monday November 6th. The focus of our meeting was a review of the Student Generated Funds & Fundraising policy. Our WCDSB Internal Auditor, Shane Durham, gave a presentation to help explain the policies and answer questions. Please see the full presentation linked below.

Student Generated Funds & School Council – What to Know

All money raised from fundraising must go directly to support students and activities in the school, offering the potential to enrich the experience of our students and help build a broader sense of community. The province of Ontario provides a publicly funded education system which allows every student the right to attend and the opportunity to succeed. Participation in fundraising activities is voluntary. Funds raised for school purposes are used to complement, not replace, public funding for education. These include but are not limited to:

  • costs associated with Grade 8 graduation
  • subsidizing transportation costs for curricular and extra-curricular excursions
  • extra classroom materials

November 6th CSAC meeting minutes

We are hoping to have an increase in participation at our upcoming meetings. All parents/ guardians are welcome to attend, and your voice is important. Please consider joining us at our next meeting on Monday December 4th from 6pm – 7:30pm.


Fall Fire Drills complete

We have completed all three of our fall fire drills. Students have learned the importance of taking safety preparedness drills seriously and exiting the school quickly, calmly and quietly. These drills are important to practise at home, too.


Other Information:

Progress Reports and Conferences

Progress Reports will be going home on Monday, November 20th. 

This year the Parent-Student-Teacher conferences will be held on November 23rd, 2023 from 4-8PM at our school (St John’s) located on 99 Strange Street, Kitchener ON N2G 1R4. 

We want every parent/ guardian to meet with your child’s teacher to be able to discuss your child’s progress in the term thus far. Your child should attend the meeting with you, if possible.


How to Book a Parent-Student-Teacher Conference:

1. Click the Link: Parent-Student-Teacher Conference 

2. Select your child’s teacher from the “Select Staff” dropdown menu

3. Click “November 23rd” on the Calendar

4. Pick a conference time (Only available times will be listed)

5. Add your details (Email and Phone number are required in case we need to contact you for any changes, etc.)

6. Click Book and you will receive a confirmation email

Please note, if you require any assistance in booking a conference please call us at 519-579-0890 and we will be happy to assist you!


Grade 8 Night at Resurrection Catholic SS

Calling all Future Phoenix! Join us on Wednesday, November 29th at 6:30 pm at Resurrection to learn more about the transition to high school.


Together, we will build a strong community that is committed to lifting up others, repairing harms of the past, and creating a better tomorrow for all. #Strengthen


Important Dates

November 20th – Progress Reports go home

November 23rd – Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences (pm)

December 25th – Christmas Break Begins

January 8th – Back to School New Year 2024

January 19th – PA Day (no school for students)

February 15th – Term 1 Reports go home

February 19th – Family Day (no school for students)

March 8~15th – March Break (no school for students)

March 29th – Good Friday (no school for students)

April 1st – Easter Monday (no school for students)

April 19th – PA Day (no school for students)

May 20th – Victoria Day (no school for students)

May 31st – PA Day (no school for students)

June 25th- Term 2 Reports go home

June 27th- Last Day of School

June 28th – PA Day  (no school for students)

Thunder Update: Nov. 6-10

Thunder Community,

As we head into November, we continue with our positive momentum and efforts in establishing a safe and inclusive community for all. Staff have spent the last two months working with students to help them develop the essential learning skills of responsibility, organization, independent work, collaboration, initiative and self-regulation. These skills are reported on for Progress Reports and Term 1 and 2 Report Cards.

Staff have also spent a considerable amount of time developing a sense of community within their classes encouraging positive and respectful social behaviour and relationship building among students. We thank you for all of the work you do at home with your child to help them be successful at school, too. This is truly a collaborative effort with the best interests of students at heart.


Daylight Saving Time

We hope the extra hour of sleep this weekend is a good reset for everyone! It is also a great time to change the batteries in all smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.

Happening this week: 

Treaties Recognition Week: November 5-11

November is also the month of Treaties Recognition Week. In 2016, Ontario passed the first legislation in Canada declaring the first week of November as Treaties Recognition Week. This annual event honours the importance of treaties and helps students and residents of Ontario learn more about treaty rights and relationships. By learning more about our collective treaty rights and obligations, we can create greater understanding and nurture relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.

WCDSB Information on Treaties Recognition Week


Catholic School Advisory Council

We will have a CSAC meeting on Monday, November 6th at 6:00 pm in our school Learning Commons. Thank you to our parents who have offered their time to volunteer in support of our school community. All are welcome.


Bus Evacuation Drills 

Evacuation drills are conducted annually through our schools in collaboration with Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region. Parents/guardians can help ensure safe student transportation by reviewing and discussing safety rules and procedures with their children regularly. Annually, our evacuation drills are preceded by a classroom discussion to discuss the basics of bus safety and to view a safety video. An actual drill with a bus onsite follows. For more transportation safety information, please visit:

Roles & Responsibilities: Student Transportation Services

1.1 Responsibilities of Bus Operators and Bus Drivers
1.2 Responsibilities of Taxi Operators and Taxi Drivers
1.3 Responsibilities of Students
1.4 Responsibilities of Parents
1.5 Responsibilities of STSWR


Remembrance Day

We will honour this day with a school Remembrance Day service on Friday, November 10th. November 11 is a day of national commemoration for the more than 100,000 Canadians who have died in military service. The costs for Canada, with its relatively small population, have been substantial. The adoption of the poppy as a symbol of remembrance has international origins. The first person to use it this way was Moina Michael, a member of the staff of the American Overseas YMCA in the last year of the war. Michael read McCrae’s poem and was so moved that she composed one of her own in response. She recalled later: “I pledged to keep the faith and always to wear a red poppy of Flanders Fields as a sign of remembrance and the emblem of ‘keeping the faith with all who died’.”

At the going down of the sun and in the morning. We will remember them.


Strengthen: PD Day in November

“I can do all things through the One who strengthens me”

Our WCDSB Pastoral Plan this year is Strengthen. With this theme, staff and students explore how we are the People of God, listening and responding, STRENGTHENED to share the Gospel.  Our Spiritual PD day is November 13th. (no school for students) 

Other Information: 

Progress Reports and Conferences

Progress Reports will be going home on Monday, November 20th. 

This year the Parent-Student-Teacher conferences will be held on November 23rd, 2023 from 4-8PM at our school (St John’s) located on 99 Strange Street, Kitchener ON N2G 1R4. 

We want every parent/ guardian to meet with your child’s teacher to be able to discuss your child’s progress in the term thus far. Your child should attend the meeting with you, if possible.


How to Book a Parent-Student-Teacher Conference:

1. Click the Link: Parent-Student-Teacher Conference 

2. Select your child’s teacher from the “Select Staff” dropdown menu

3. Click “November 23rd” on the Calendar

4. Pick a conference time (Only available times will be listed)

5. Add your details (Email and Phone number are required in case we need to contact you for any changes, etc.)

6. Click Book and you will receive a confirmation email

Please note, if you require any assistance in booking a conference please call us at 519-579-0890 and we will be happy to assist you!



For 40 weekends of the school year and 90 days of school breaks, Food4Kids Waterloo Region provides healthy food to 1,100 children ages 1-14 within our region. They are currently supporting kids in 82 of 151 elementary schools, and they need your help to reach more as they are, sadly, limited in their funding. They depend on donations and fundraising to support their current and growing list of children. By donating today, you are helping put an end to childhood hunger. Donate online: (You can donate specifically to our school too!)


Fundraiser: Sheltering Hearts: A Home for Everyone

Join WCDSB in building a brighter future for the homeless community. ‘Sheltering Hearts: A Home for Everyone’ is not just a fundraiser; it’s a movement of compassion and solidarity. Together, we can provide safe havens and restore hope for those in need. From November 1, 2023 – November 30, 2023, the WCDSB has our Sheltering Hearts: A Home for Everyone fundraiser. Proceeds from the fundraiser will go directly to A Better Tent City (Kitchener-Waterloo) and The Bridges (Cambridge). Donations are made easily through the QR code on the poster or this link to School Cash Online. Here, you can select which of the two organizations you wish to donate to and can request a tax receipt for donations over $50.00.



Together, we will build a strong community that is committed to lifting up others, repairing harms of the past, and creating a better tomorrow for all. #Strengthen


Important Dates

November 13th – PA Day (no school for students)

November 20th – Progress Reports go home

November 23rd – Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences (pm)

December 25th – Christmas Break Begins

January 8th – Back to School New Year 2024

January 19th – PA Day (no school for students)

February 15th – Term 1 Reports go home

February 19th – Family Day (no school for students)

March 8~15th – March Break (no school for students)

March 29th – Good Friday (no school for students)

April 1st – Easter Monday (no school for students)

April 19th – PA Day (no school for students)

May 20th – Victoria Day (no school for students)

May 31st – PA Day (no school for students)

June 25th- Term 2 Reports go home

June 27th- Last Day of School

June 28th – PA Day  (no school for students)

Thunder Update: Week of October 30th

November Information: 

November is a month to remember, with All Saint’s Day, All Soul’s Day as well as Remembrance Day. November is also the month of Treaties Recognition Week. We will continue as a school community to take time to focus on our school theme of “THIS IS WHY WE ARE HERE”. We continue to talk about how our words and our actions matter too. We will work on cultivating friendships and just being kind to others through Anti-bullying Awareness and Prevention Week. It is always our goal to create an inclusive, positive and safe school environment for all to enjoy. This vision is only possible when all adults work together to support, nurture, and model for students what kindness and respect look like in action. Thank you for being part of this commitment at St. John’s.

Catholic Graduate Expectations

November’s focus for our Catholic Graduate Expectation is on being an Effective CommunicatorAn Effective communicator gives witness to Catholic social teachings by promoting peace, and justice.

Being an Effective Communicator means: I HAVE A VOICE!


  • I speak, write and listen as Jesus would want me to
  • I care about others and speak up for them
  • I am honest
  • I think carefully before I react or speak
  • I respect all people and their languages
  • I listen to the Word of God

Because I have a voice, I will use it lovingly, and I will live my life like Jesus.


Deep Learning: Transferable Skills

Transferable skills are the skills and attributes that students need in order to thrive in the modern world. Based on international research, the Ontario Ministry of Education has defined seven important categories of transferable skills – sometimes referred to as “competencies” – that will help students navigate the world of work and meet with success in the future.

During the month of November, we will show transferable skills through communication as the ability to express oneself clearly and effectively in different ways, such as speaking, writing, and using media. Communication also involves listening to others, asking questions, and sharing opinions. Communication is important for learning, working together, and making friends.

We encourage you to support your child’s communication development at home by having conversations, reading books, watching videos, playing games, and exploring different media together.

Thank you for your continued support and partnership.

Other Information: 

Dress for the Weather

We have been very fortunate with beautiful fall weather.  It is a good reminder to us all that even as the weather turns cooler, and we will still be going outdoors for multiple recesses every day, whether the sun is shining or not. Additionally, teachers are making great use of the outdoor space as a means of extending the classroom. Please ensure your child is dressed for the weather and send in extra clothes, as well as socks and mittens, to ensure fingers and toes stay dry and warm!

If your family needs help to provide warm outdoor clothing for your children please contact the main office. We are always happy to help families in this way.  This is one of the many ways our community provides equity and inclusion for all. Please don’t hesitate to reach out for help.


Sign up for Bus Notifications

Use your phone to scan the QR code.

If your child rides a bus at St. John’s, you need to sign up for notifications.

Today, most of our school buses were late. We had many parents/ guardians call the school to complain or show up with their children and express their frustration with staff. Please do not yell at school staff because the bus is late; this is not our fault.

We appreciate that you took the time to bring your child to school. Please take the time to sign up for bus notifications so you can be informed of delays. This is how the school finds out that buses are running late, too. Please do not call the school when your child’s bus is running late.

Today, each child who rides a bus will receive a personalized reminder for a parent/guardian to sign up for bus notifications. The letter will include your child’s route number as you need this to sign up for notifications.

If you require support in Tigrinya, please make an appointment with Segen.

We appreciate you taking the time to complete this important sign up.


Strengthen: PD Day: November November 13th (no school for students)

“I can do all things through the One who strengthens me”

Our WCDSB Pastoral Plan this year is Strengthen. With this theme staff and students are exploring how we are the People of God, listening and responding, STRENGTHENED to share the Gospel.


Progress Reports and Conferences

Progress Reports will be going home on Monday, November 20th. 

This year the Progress Report Conferences will be held on November 23rd, 2023 from 4-8PM at our school (St John’s) located on 99 Strange Street, Kitchener ON N2G 1R4. 

We want every parent/ guardian to meet with your child’s teacher to be able to discuss your child’s progress in the term thus far. Your child should attend the meeting with you, if possible.


How to Book a Parent-Student-Teacher Conference:

1. Click the Link: Parent-Student-Teacher Conference 

2. Select your child’s teacher from the “Select Staff” dropdown menu

3. Click “November 23rd” on the Calendar 

4. Pick a conference time (Only available times will be listed)

5. Add your details (Email and Phone number are required in case we need to contact you for any changes, etc.) 

6. Click Book and you will receive a confirmation email

Please note, if you require any assistance in booking a conference please call us at 519-579-0890 and we will be happy to assist you!


Brightspace by D2L

Our school board website has more detailed information for parents who still need to sign up for this app. This is the only online learning environment supported by Waterloo Catholic.

Instruction page (in English) to set up Parent login.

Please click on the link to access the Parents/ Guardians page .

If you still need help accessing your child’s D2L classroom site, please see the instructional videos which are available in the following languages:


Together, we will build a strong community that is committed to lifting up others, repairing harms of the past, and creating a better tomorrow for all. #Strengthen


Important Dates

November 6th – CSAC meeting #2 6pm – 7:30pm

November 13th – PA Day (no school for students)

November 20th – Progress Reports go home

November 23rd – Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences (pm)

December 25th – Christmas Break Begins

January 8th – Back to School New Year 2024

January 19th – PA Day (no school for students)

February 15th – Term 1 Reports go home

February 19th – Family Day (no school for students)

March 8~15th – March Break (no school for students)

March 29th – Good Friday (no school for students)

April 1st – Easter Monday (no school for students)

April 19th – PA Day (no school for students)

May 20th – Victoria Day (no school for students)

May 31st – PA Day (no school for students)

June 25th- Term 2 Reports go home

June 27th- Last Day of School

June 28th – PA Day  (no school for students)

Canadian Library Workers Day

The staff and students of St. John’s would like to say a huge THANK YOU to our Library Technician, Ms. Gerhardt, today on “Canadian Library Workers Day”.  From cataloging so many books, story time with classes, and supporting schools with technology and other resources, we say thank you. You are always ready to lend a helping hand to staff, students, and visitors alike. You play a valuable role in our school and we truly appreciate you! We hope you enjoy your day!

Thank you Ms. Gerhardt!

National Bus Drivers Day!

The staff and students of St. John would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all our Bus Drivers today on “National Bus Drivers Day”.  You are sometimes the first smiling adult a child sees each morning and the last before they get home.  You always brave the weather to get our kids safely where they need to be, while being a shining example for students as you do it!  You are truly superheroes and today we want to say THANK YOU!


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